Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Here's what we woke up to this morning.  It snowed all day yesterday and was still snowing when we went to bed.  So much for the "Designer" snow concept.  We got 8 inches which is really good for us. ( They got 14 up in Flagstaff.)  I know it's not too impressive for you in Utah and Idaho where it really snows.  But c'mon, this is Arizona!!!  Anyhow we're loving it, but I know you'll laugh when I tell you that this was a snow day for all the school kids.  Since we live in a town  where most of the streets and roads are steep and curvy (and some unpaved), and because the city only clears the main roads, I guess they'd rather have the kids safe at home rather than out sliding around on the icy streets.  Even this evening after a lot of sunshine and melting today, we took Brenden and Landon (grandsons) to dinner and the first restaurant we went to had a sign on the window saying they were closed and would open again tomorrow . . . and it was on one of the main streets.  Go figure!  The weatherman said today that there are three more storms coming.  Boy, I sure love my fireplace!
I took this picture from my front door. Sorry it's blurry.  I think I was in a hurry to close it. Snow was clear up to the door despite the covering over the porch.
This is looking out the door downstairs in the back.
From the window upstairs looking out the back.  You've got to admit, it's beautiful.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Happy New Year!

We opted to spend Christmas alone and go up to Utah to ring in the New Year with Bart's family so that we could be there for Porter's baptism.  We were there almost a week, and played everyday.  Being a fan of jigsaw puzzles, we managed to complete three.  Kerina was my constant companion, and is really good, although everyone pitched in from time to time.We took all the Christmas presents with us, so we got to watch all the kids open their gifts.  Porter was loving his tool kit, complete with belt and goggles.  All he needed was some wood and a few nails.  
You can't give Hannah a better present than a book.  And she has it finished in no time.
Emma tried on her new pantsuit right away, and it was just right for such a pretty little girl.
Marie's folks came for the big New Year's Eve party.  Here's her mom, Sherry, getting the party food ready.
Poor Bart had a New Year's Eve gig.  I use the word "poor" because he missed the party, but monetarily speaking, he came home a little richer.  Deep down, these musicians will miss just about anything for a chance to gig.
The day after New Year's, we all went sledding--sad to say that for me, the southern California/desert girl, it was a first.   
I spent most of the time watching, and because Bart and Marie had "geared me up" with all the best in winter wear, I stayed warm.  It looked like such fun, though, that I had to give it a try.  Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of me on the sled, but take my word for it--I went down twice, and it was pretty darn fun!
On Saturday, we all went to the church so that Porter could be baptized by his Dad.
And here's all the family--L-R:  Me, Andrea, Grandpa, Kerina, Marie, Hannah, Grace, Bart, and Joseph.  The three standing in front are Emma, Porter, and the cute little rascal, Jarom.  They are a great family, and we love being with them--It was really a fun week.

Catching Up . . . . Again

Our first Christmas in Prescott.  We were hoping for a white one, which we got, but not on Christmas Day.  This is our typical "designer" snow.  You wake up to a beautiful light dusting of white, and by noon the sun is shining bright, and the snow is all gone.  

We haven't had a Christmas at home for a long time, and I was determined to decorate the house even if just the two of us were going to be here all alone.  So, I got all the creches out, put up the tree, made candy and baked.  We had some neighbors over a couple of times, and then the Saturday before Christmas, I had a little party for my primary class. Those little kids are so cute, and we were having so much fun that unfortunately, I forgot to take any pictures.  

On Christmas Day, we had the elders over for dinner and then played games--Elder Leavitt on the left, and Elder Chezik in the middle.  They are really good elders, and have since moved into our basement.  We really enjoy them.